Monday 25 May 2009

Who Are Yer?

I don’t know whether every club has these kinds of characters, but we often seem to be “welcoming aboard” some new face who is going to reinvent the wheel and take us to the fabled, “next step”. Then they are history before we even have time to remember their names. Usually they arrive at Rockingham Road fully formed, as our new “Commercial Manager” or “Infrastructure Consultant Executive” or “Seedy Nonce in a Cheap Suit”, or some other such bollocks.

They are usually announced to the press as the final piece of some sort of commercial-team jigsaw, which will now, finally, put us on a comparable financial footing to Manchester United.

Also, equally usually, they are gone just before this (or anything else) happens. If we are lucky, they don’t cock us up too much, and if we’re unlucky they are cracking open the fruit machines with crowbars and nicking the pool table.

Towards the end of 2007-2008 season some chap suddenly started appearing at games towards the end of the season, I believe as Commercial Manager. Don’t know what his name was, or if he actually did any commercialing. I recall seeing him ponce around the ground with his bluetooth hearing aid on, because you never know, that important commercial call (which will put us on a comparable financial footing to Manchester United)
might just come in the middle of a game….

I also recall watching him argue the toss with any supporter he came across, and getting into almost every photo I took after the Conference North Trophy was handed over. In his defence, I do seem to remember him stopping short of actually lifting the trophy over his head, but am left with the feeling that it was a close run thing.

Within minutes of the season ending the Club made the painful decision to dispense with this services. Despite this enormous setback, the Poppies somehow managed to carry on. As for him? God knows, or cares.

Do you have a suggestion of who can be added to our newly created list of “Pointless Poppies Appointments?” Indispensable club servants that we, er, dispensed with.

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